ggbenjamini - Generate ficus benjamina leaf shapes with bezier curves
This package can be used to generate shapes in the form of ficus benjamina (weeping fig) leaves with bezier curves. The main output of the package are dataframes containing all the information of these bezier curves.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.58 score 19 stars 7 scriptspyramidi - Generate and Manipulate Midi Data in R Data Frames
Import the python libraries miditapyr and mido to read in midi file data in pandas DataFrames. These can then be imported in R via reticulate. The event-based midi data is widened to facilitate the manipulation and plotting of note-based structures as in music21. The data frame format allows for an easy implementation of many music data manipulations.
Last updated 9 months ago
3.64 score 8 stars 27 scripts